Agra is a Drama film directed by Kanu Behl. Written by Kanu Behl and Atika Chohan, the movie is produced by Siddharth Anand Kumar, Vikram Mehra, and William Jéhannin under the production companies Yoodlee Films, Saregama Productions, Les Films Hatari, and UFO Production. The film is produced in France and India, with a runtime of 2 hours and 12 minutes, premiered on 29 September 2023.
Agra Movie Overview
Movie Title | Agra |
Original Language | Hindi |
Spoken Language | Hindi |
Release Date | 29 September 2023 |
Runtime | 2 hours and 12 minutes |
Country | France and India |
Genres | Drama |
Writers | Kanu Behl and Atika Chohan |
Director | Kanu Behl |
Producer | Siddharth Anand Kumar, Vikram Mehra, and William Jéhannin |
Editor | Nitesh Bhatia and Samarth Dixit |
Music | Pritam Das, Sneha Khanwalkar, and Karan Gour |
Cinematography | Saurabh Monga |
Screenplay | Kanu Behl and Atika Chohan |
Production Companies | Yoodlee Films, Saregama Productions, Les Films Hatari, and UFO Production |
Agra Movie Cast
Actor Name | Character Name |
Priyanka Bose | Priti |
Rahul Roy | Daddy Ji |
Vibha Chibber | Mummy Ji |
Mohit Agarwal | Guru |
Aanchal Goswami | Chhavi |
Ruhani Sharma | Mala |
Sonal Jha | Aunty Ji |
Devas Dixit | Sundar |
Rajesh Aggarwal | Doctor |
Yashraj Rawal | Joginder |
Agra Movie Story
Original Story: The story of a family and an exploration of space in an increasingly crowded world. It follows the quest for a sexual odyssey of an individual.
Agra Movie Screenshots
Agra Movie Rating
Agra, helmed by director Kanu Behl and backed by producers Siddharth Anand Kumar, Vikram Mehra, and William Jéhannin, and in France and India under Yoodlee Films, Saregama Productions, Les Films Hatari, and UFO Production Productions, has earned a rating of 5 out of 10 from 2 votes. This Drama flick is making a mark in the cinematic landscape.
Agra Movie Review
Agra is a captivating blend of Drama, skillfully directed by Kanu Behl. Produced by Siddharth Anand Kumar, Vikram Mehra, and William Jéhannin under the banner of Yoodlee Films, Saregama Productions, Les Films Hatari, and UFO Production productions, the film delivers an engaging experience that promises to entertain and inspire.
Agra is a heartfelt film set in France and India, primarily in the Hindi language, that explores the delicate layers of life, love, and unforeseen events that can change everything. With a mix of humor, emotion, and reflection, it takes viewers on a journey through the complexities of human connections, leaving a lasting impact.
In short, Agra is a must-see for fans of Drama who enjoy stories that make you think. The film masterfully showcases the strength of the human spirit and the power of love. With its engaging plot, remarkable performances, and top-notch production, it shines as a standout cinematic experience.
FAQs about Agra Movie
Q: Who directed the movie Agra?
A: The movie Agra directed by Kanu Behl
Q: What genre does the Agra movie fall under?
A: Agra movie belongs to the Drama genre.
Q: Who is the writer of Agra movie?
A: Agra movie is written by Kanu Behl and Atika Chohan
Q: Where and when was the Agra movie released?
A: The Agra movie was released on 29 September 2023 and is set in France and India.
Q: What is the runtime of the Agra movie?
A: The Agra movie has a runtime of 2 hours and 12 minutes, making it perfect for a exciting viewing experience.