Vettaikaaran is a Action and Drama film directed by Babusivan. Written by Babusivan, the movie is produced by B. Gurunath Meiyappan and M. Balasubramanian under the production companies AVM Productions.…
Pariyerum Perumal is a Romance and Drama film directed by Mari Selvaraj. Written by Mari Selvaraj, the movie is produced by Pa. Ranjith under the production companies Neelam Productions and…
Kaala is a Action, Crime, and Drama film directed by Pa. Ranjith. Written by , the movie is produced by Dhanush under the production companies Wunderbar Films. The film is…
Jai Bhim is a Crime, Drama, and Mystery film directed by T. J. Gnanavel. Written by T. J. Gnanavel, the movie is produced by Suriya and Jyothika under the production…