Bangarraju is a Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, and Family film directed by Kalyan Krishna. Written by Kalyan Krishna, the movie is produced by Nagarjuna Akkineni under the production companies Annapurna Studios…
Mass is a Drama, Action, Crime, and Romance film directed by Raghava Lawrence. Written by , the movie is produced by Nagarjuna Akkineni under the production companies Annapurna Studios. The…
Hello! is a Action, Family, Music, and Romance film directed by Vikram Kumar. Written by Vikram Kumar, the movie is produced by Nagarjuna Akkineni under the production companies Manam Enterprises…
Kalki 2898-AD is a Drama, Action, Fantasy, and Science Fiction film directed by Nag Ashwin. Written by , the movie is produced by Swapna Dutt, Priyanka Dutt, and C. Ashwini…