Azhagiya Tamil Magan is a Action and Drama film directed by Bharathan. Written by , the movie is produced by Swargachitra Appachan under the production companies Pyramid Saimira and Swargachitra.…
Kathakali is a Action, Mystery, and Thriller film directed by Pandiraj. Written by , the movie is produced by Pandiraj and Vishal Krishna under the production companies Pasanga Productions, Vishal…
M. Kumaran S/O Mahalakshmi is a Romance film directed by Mohan Raja. Written by , the movie is produced by Editor Mohan under the production companies . The film is…
RajiniMurugan is a Comedy and Action film directed by Ponram. Written by , the movie is produced by N. Linguswamy and N. Subash Chandra Bose under the production companies Eros…