Okkadu is a Action, Drama, and Romance film directed by Gunasekhar. Written by Gunasekhar, the movie is produced by M. S. Raju under the production companies Sumanth Art Productions. The…
U Turn is a Thriller, Horror, and Crime film directed by Pawan Kumar. Written by , the movie is produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi and Rambabu Bandaru under the production companies…
Sita Ramam is a History, Romance, and Drama film directed by Hanu Raghavapudi. Written by , the movie is produced by Priyanka Dutt and C. Ashwini Dutt under the production…
Tere Naam is a Action, Drama, Romance, and Thriller film directed by Satish Kaushik. Written by Bala and Vijaysinh Gol, the movie is produced by Mukesh Talreja and Sunil Manchanda…