Awe! is a Romance, Action, and Drama film directed by Prasanth Varma. Written by , the movie is produced by Nani and Prashanti Tipirneni under the production companies Wall Poster…
(Tillu)² is a Comedy, Thriller, and Crime film directed by Mallik Ram. Written by Sidhu Jonnalagadda, the movie is produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi under the production companies Sithara Entertainments,…
Godavari is a Drama and Romance film directed by Sekhar Kammula. Written by Sekhar Kammula, the movie is produced by G.V.G Raju under the production companies Amigos Creations. The film…
Ramabanam is a Action and Comedy film directed by Sriwass. Written by , the movie is produced by T G Vishwa Prasad and Vivek Kuchibhotla under the production companies People…
Majili is a Drama and Romance film directed by Shiva Nirvana. Written by , the movie is produced by Harish Peddi and Sahu Garapati under the production companies Shine Screens.…