Thadam is a Crime, Mystery, Thriller, and Action film directed by Magizh Thirumeni. Written by Magizh Thirumeni, the movie is produced by Inder Kumar under the production companies Redhan The…
Rajakili is a Family, Crime, Drama, and Comedy film directed by Umapathy Ramaiah. Written by , the movie is produced by Suresh Kamatchi under the production companies V House Productions.…
Vettaikaaran is a Action and Drama film directed by Babusivan. Written by Babusivan, the movie is produced by B. Gurunath Meiyappan and M. Balasubramanian under the production companies AVM Productions.…
Ghilli is a Action, Comedy, Family, and Romance film directed by Dharani. Written by , the movie is produced by A. M. Rathnam under the production companies Sri Surya Movies.…