Zombie Reddy is a Horror and Comedy film directed by Prasanth Varma. Written by Prasanth Varma, the movie is produced by Raj Shekar Varma under the production companies Apple Tree…
Mirchi is a Action and Drama film directed by Koratala Siva. Written by , the movie is produced by Pramod Uppalapati and Vamsi Krishna Reddy under the production companies UV…
Nela Ticket is a Action and Drama film directed by Kalyan Krishna. Written by , the movie is produced by under the production companies SRT Entertainments. The film is produced…
Radha is a Action, Comedy, and Romance film directed by Chandra Mohan Chintada. Written by , the movie is produced by B. V. S. N. Prasad under the production companies…
Mersal is a Thriller, Action, and Crime film directed by Atlee. Written by , the movie is produced by N. Ramasamy and Hema Rukmani under the production companies Sri Thenandal…