Viraata Parvam is a Drama and Romance film directed by Venu Udugula. Written by , the movie is produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri and Daggubati Suresh Babu under the production companies…
Satyabhama is a Crime, Thriller, and Drama film directed by Suman Chikkala. Written by Suman Chikkala, the movie is produced by Srinivas Rao Takkalapelly and Bobby Tikka under the production…
Jigarthanda DoubleX is a Action, Drama, and Comedy film directed by Karthik Subbaraj. Written by Karthik Subbaraj, the movie is produced by Kaarthekeyen Santhanam and S. Kathiresan under the production…
Matka is a Action and Crime film directed by Karuna Kumar. Written by Karuna Kumar, the movie is produced by Dr. Vijender Reddy Teegala and Rajani Talluri under the production…