Virumaandi is a Drama and Action film directed by Kamal Haasan. Written by Kamal Haasan, the movie is produced by Chandrahasan and Kamal Haasan under the production companies Raajkamal Films…
Asuran is a Action and Drama film directed by Vetrimaaran. Written by , the movie is produced by S. Thanu under the production companies V Creations. The film is produced…
Arul is a Drama film directed by Hari. Written by Hari, the movie is produced by Ajay Kumar under the production companies . The film is produced in India, with…
Thangalaan is a Adventure, Action, Fantasy, and History film directed by Pa. Ranjith. Written by Pa. Ranjith, the movie is produced by K. E. Gnanavelraja, Pa. Ranjith, and Jyoti Deshpande…
Kalki 2898-AD is a Drama, Action, Fantasy, and Science Fiction film directed by Nag Ashwin. Written by , the movie is produced by Swapna Dutt, Priyanka Dutt, and C. Ashwini…
Iyarkai is a Drama, Romance, and Action film directed by S. P. Jananathan. Written by S. P. Jananathan, the movie is produced by A. E. Gunasekaran under the production companies…