Mass is a Drama, Action, Crime, and Romance film directed by Raghava Lawrence. Written by , the movie is produced by Nagarjuna Akkineni under the production companies Annapurna Studios. The…
Baba is a Drama, Action, and Fantasy film directed by Suresh Krishna. Written by , the movie is produced by Rajinikanth under the production companies Lotus International. The film is…
Kanchana 3 is a Comedy and Horror film directed by Raghava Lawrence. Written by , the movie is produced by Kalanithi Maran and Raghava Lawrence under the production companies Sun…
Sivalinga is a Thriller and Horror film directed by P. Vasu. Written by , the movie is produced by R. Ravindran under the production companies Trident Arts. The film is…
Jigarthanda DoubleX is a Action, Drama, and Comedy film directed by Karthik Subbaraj. Written by Karthik Subbaraj, the movie is produced by Kaarthekeyen Santhanam and S. Kathiresan under the production…