Saakini Daakini is a Action, Adventure, and Comedy film directed by Sudheer Varma. Written by Sudheer Varma, the movie is produced by Daggubati Suresh Babu, Sunitha Tati, and Hyunwoo Thomas…
Awe! is a Romance, Action, and Drama film directed by Prasanth Varma. Written by , the movie is produced by Nani and Prashanti Tipirneni under the production companies Wall Poster…
Maanagaram is a Thriller and Action film directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. Written by , the movie is produced by S. R. Prabhu, Gopinath P, Prabhu Venkatachalam, S. R. Prakashbabu, and…
Vidaamuyarchi is a Action and Thriller film directed by Magizh Thirumeni. Written by Magizh Thirumeni, the movie is produced by Subaskaran Allirajah under the production companies Lyca Productions. The film…
Conjuring Kannappan is a Comedy and Horror film directed by Selvin Raj Xavier. Written by Selvin Raj Xavier, the movie is produced by Kalpathi S Suresh, Kalpathi S Aghoram, and…