Sivalinga is a Thriller and Horror film directed by P. Vasu. Written by , the movie is produced by R. Ravindran under the production companies Trident Arts. The film is…
Oh My Kadavule is a Comedy and Romance film directed by Ashwath Marimuthu. Written by , the movie is produced by G Dilli Babu under the production companies Axess Film…
Irudhi Suttru is a Action and Drama film directed by Sudha Kongara Prasad. Written by , the movie is produced by S. Sashikanth and C. V. Kumar under the production…
Vettaiyan is a Action, Crime, and Drama film directed by T. J. Gnanavel. Written by T. J. Gnanavel, the movie is produced by Subaskaran Allirajah under the production companies Lyca…
Irudhi Suttru is a Action and Drama film directed by Sudha Kongara Prasad. Written by , the movie is produced by S. Sashikanth and C. V. Kumar under the production…