Rakshasudu is a Crime, Thriller, and Action film directed by Ramesh Varma. Written by , the movie is produced by under the production companies Abhishek Pictures and A Studios. The…
Gargi is a Drama and Thriller film directed by Gautham Ramachandran. Written by Gautham Ramachandran, the movie is produced by Gautham Ramachandran, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Thomas George, and Ravichandran Ramachandran under…
Soodhu Kavvum is a Comedy, Thriller, and Crime film directed by Nalan Kumarasamy. Written by , the movie is produced by C. V. Kumar under the production companies Thirukumaran Entertainment…
Jailer is a Action, Crime, Thriller, Comedy, and Adventure film directed by Nelson Dilipkumar. Written by Nelson Dilipkumar, the movie is produced by Kalanithi Maran under the production companies Sun…
Lover is a Romance and Drama film directed by Prabhuram Vyas. Written by Prabhuram Vyas, the movie is produced by Magesh Raj Pasilian, Nazerath Pasilian, and Yuvraj Ganesan under the…
Ratsasan is a Action, Adventure, Thriller, and Crime film directed by Ram Kumar. Written by , the movie is produced by G Dilli Babu under the production companies Axess Film…