Jersey is a Drama film directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri. Written by , the movie is produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi under the production companies Sithara Entertainments. The film is produced…
Bigil is a Action, Family, and Drama film directed by Atlee. Written by , the movie is produced by Kalpathi S Ganesh, Kalpathi S Aghoram, and Kalpathi S Suresh under…
2.0 is a Action, Science Fiction, and Fantasy film directed by Shankar. Written by , the movie is produced by Subaskaran Allirajah and Raju Mahalingam under the production companies Lyca…
24 is a Action, Science Fiction, and Thriller film directed by Vikram Kumar. Written by , the movie is produced by Suriya under the production companies Studio Green and 2D…
Half Girlfriend is a Romance and Drama film directed by Mohit Suri. Written by , the movie is produced by Chetan Bhagat, Shobha Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor, and Mohit Suri under…